2Runners & Co. Runner's Protein - Chocolate Dream (600g) 2Runners & Co. Runner's Protein - Chocolate Dream (600g)
2Runners & Co. Runner's Protein - Chocolate Dream (600g) 2Runners & Co. Runner's Protein - Chocolate Dream (600g)

2Runners & Co. Runner's Protein - Chocolate Dream (600g)


Runner's Protein is runner formulated to the exact post-run requirements of all runners using the highest quality and minimal ingredients.

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Article number: 2Runners-CD
Availability: In stock



If you refill your glycogen stores immediately after a run, you recover faster.  Glycogen use
during a run turns on glycogen synthesis during recovery. When fast carbs are ingested right
after a run, insulin release from the pancreas, insulin sensitivity in muscle cells, glucose
uptake by muscle cells, and glycogen synthase activity within muscle cells all increase —
responses that can remain elevated for 48 hours.  You will be prepared for your next run.


Runner’s Protein has 22g of 3 plant based proteins, making it a complete protein.  Every
runner knows they need carbs, but protein is just as important to muscle recovery after a
run. It repairs muscle damage, diminishes the effects of cortisol, and when taken with
carbohydrates, speeds your body's ability to replenish its glycogen stores, your all-important
energy source for those awesome runs. If you've ever "hit the wall" during a run, you know
what it feels like to deplete your glycogen reserves.


Electrically charged minerals in each serving! Runner’s Protein contains 495mg of
electrolytes per serving that is sure to help replace the electrolytes you lost during your run.
Essential electrolytes are lost in sweat when running, including potassium and sodium. This
deficiency will not only contribute to muscle cramps but can also ruin your performance on
your next run. For a runner, keeping your electrolytes balanced is key for successful training
and optimum performance. Make your next run better.

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